Monday, March 29, 2010

Coming Soon...

I feel my blog needs to bring more to the world. For too long it has been a container for useless drival, mostly about ultimate ramblings, fortune cookie nonsense, and weekend updates that are as satisfying as Saturday Night Live's. There are nearly ten people who flock to this publication to devour the slop that I post, I suppose some people just need their thrill...I mean fill. Sorry my back space button is broken.
So announcing the beginning of a new series. Will-Ographies. That is right. I will be writing others biographies with the "Will" influence. I can't describe what that is but it will be good, trust me. Think of them has human intrest pieces. Besides I'll write them while I'm at work and that's when I'm most creative.
The first Thrill-Ography is in the works, but here is the teaser...
Who is Kevin Cissna?

Many have asked this question but few have recieved the answer that they expect. When I asked the question the most common answer I received was that Kevin is actually the 4th Stooge. Yeah that's right, there were 4 but Kevin's "Dead Pan" style didn't gel with Curly. Plus he hates curly hair people. Plus he's not funny.
The weirdest answer I recieved was that he was in fact not real. I was told that Kevin was created by the writers of the Fox Television Series Lost, they wrote the character for the series until Kevin actually came out of the paper they were writing on and said "Lost Sucks! What is a 'Smoke Monster'? Do you think before you write stuff? You're a bunch of pussies!" Then he left by slamming the door open.
I've also heard that Cissna is a mystical beast created from the gods to reign terror upon the weak, uncordinated, and leftys. His Wii Bowling skills are matched only by the his skills at whipping up a mean bowl of Cherrios. Then I told Kevin to shut up because that doesn't make sense.
Kevin - "I was sculpted by the hands of Zeus!"
Will - "So Zeus had his hands all over you?"
Kevin - "No, well yes, but not... He was sculpting, it's not gay"
Will - "I didn't say it was"
Kevin - "You were implying"
Will - "Well, do you normally let men put there hands all over you"
Kevin - "I love the fine arts"
Will - "Well did he sculpt... 'All of you'?"
Kevin - "Hell yes, I have a Zeus sculpted Ass"
Will - "It is nice"
More to come...
