Friday, December 9, 2011


And I'm back. After a long dry spell I am back on the keyboard determined to type up my usual non-sense, upload my poorly taken photos, and make more of those gramatical errors both of you love. 

No real reason why I stopped blogging other than I was busy doing other things. Being unemployed allowed me to not be in an office and away from the need to fill the lulls in actual work I had to do. But now that I am gainfully employed again, paying taxes, and generally getting back into the mindless consuming lifestyle - I suppose it's time to put things on paper. 

Looks like my last post was way back in April after our Sectional (Conference) Tournament. It seems like a lot has happened since then but at the same time not really. Man I must be boring. Anyways this post is just for me to start rollin with the posts. Let's see if I can go a post a Day for a week. 

Anyways here's to livin large!