Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Can be a deadly weapon for a pitcher. The pitcher works to set you up, maybe throwing you a few fastballs around eye level, or something inside, or just simply trying to blow one by you. Then when you least expect it he strikes!

The ball starts as you would expect it to, spinning fast so that you can only see a white orb coming at you as innocently as can be. But the curveball has no innocents, it is plotting your down fall, plotting to destroy your dignity, and it may very well succeed.

Just as you start your swing on this two face of a pitch the ball breaks downward. If you saw the curve coming then maybe your ready for it, maybe you don't swing and take your shot with the umpire, or maybe you can get the bat squarely on ball and put it in play. Hopefully the pitcher hung it up a bit and this devilish pitch turns into a beach ball and you can turn on it well.

Or maybe it gets you. Maybe a curveball isn't what you expected or wanted right now. It throws you off balance and you become uncomfortable in your stance. Your now desperate, desperate to make things right. So you throw your hands at the ball hoping to just get a piece so you don't have to go back to the dug out in shame. So you don't have to take that slow walk back while the pitcher gets to pad his stats.

Either way you didn't expect it, and if you can fight it off then whose to say a curveball won't come at you again and throw you out of wack once again. The question becomes can you handle the curve? Can you handle a wrench in the gears? Especially when you least expect it.

It is interesting how pitchers hardly throw you that curve when you're expecting it or wehen you're ready for it. But maybe that's what makes things worth while...if all you got were change ups down the middle that could lead to little growth and development as a player and person. How would you ever know how to hit not just the curve but the slider, sinker, fastball, forkball, slurve. And to be successful in this crazy rat race you need to be ready for anything a pitcher throws at you.

I've got a few curves this last week. Not sure if I've fought them off or if I'm waiting for that umpire to ring me up.

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