Monday, July 12, 2010

The Day the World Changed

A paper I had to write about my self back in school. This is for an upper division Management class I had to take in order to graduate. Basically I had to write a 2 page quick autobiography, so I had some fun with it. I did go to a state school so what can I say.

The Day the World Changed

The world changed forever on January 25th, 1986. I like to think that the world became a brighter, livelier, and happier world on that date because I, William John Griffin, came to be. I was born in Panorama City Ca to Bill and Debbie Griffin. I was the first of three children in the new Griffin family so I had to become that shining example for my younger siblings, and boy did I shine. We lived in Palmdale CA for the first seven years of my life until my father's job forced us to move up north to the quaint village of Vacaville CA. I enjoyed a good life in "cow town", (as the locals often referred to it as), it was a very peaceful town with good schools and good people. I met plenty of people and peers that would become lifelong friends.

In Vacaville I was very active within my community and was often seen at annual Christmas Tree Lightings, carnivals, taking part in Little League, youth soccer, and the Boy Scouts of America. When I became older and went to the famous Vacaville High School i joined the Ultimate Frisbee Club, Student Council, Link Crew, and an anti-drug organization. I grew to an age where it was appropriate to obtain a job and began working at the local In-n-Out Burger and made enough to purchase a small truck. I had a car, a girlfriend, and was about to graduate from high school everything was going well in my life. Then things continued to go well and didn't falter.

I would say the greatest memory and memories that I have come from my summers working at a Boy Scout Summer Camp called Camp Winton. I started as a counselor in training and worked my way up to assistant camp director. Throughout my 8 years on staff I grew up tremendously and can honestly say that I would not be the person I am today without my years as a camp counselor. During my years there I went on camp outs, played capture the flag, went star gazing, cooked cobblers, washed dishes, swam polar bear, fought 2 forest fires, searched for lost scouts, sang songs, acted in skits, flipped burgers, drove motor boats, water skied, snorkeled, rock climbed, danced around a fire dressed in Native American regalia, and much much more.

After two years at a local community college I transferred here to SDSU and I am majoring in Business Management. I am the captain of the Ultimate Frisbee Team, I have met plenty of friend, a girlfriend, and becoming involved in more campus activities. I am enjoying my time here in Southern California and look forward to the future. I feel that everything that I have done in my life so far has just been to prepare me for what I will do next. I don't know that that next thing is but it feels like everything builds upon the next thing and continues to make me a stronger, smarter, and overall better person. I am looking forward to the future.
Looks like I didn't know what I was talking about but I did get a 100% on this paper, if you can call it a paper.


  1. you forgot the part about how you wished you didn't graduate and went stayed a fifth year to play frisbee
