Monday, May 17, 2010

The Least Interesting Man in the World

That's right, it's time for the next lowly-anticipated installment of Will-Ographies.

This time the information was a bit harder to come by as Eric Halverson's defenses are nearly impossible to penetrate. He is like a rubics cube you can't solve, a fortune cookie you cannot open, he is the sister's diary you just can't unlock. He is...The Least Interesting Man in the World!

His cereal never gets soggy, because he eats it so before it does.

When the Police pull him over, they talk to the passenger.

When he walks, he puts one foot in front of the other.

His Organ Donor card also lists his beard.

He doesn’t believe in using oven mitts, he prefers potholders.

His shirts are never wrinkled.

He is right handed.

He once received an extra taco by mistake at a drive thru, and didn't tell a soul.

He mysteriously goes missing, later it is discovered he was grocery shopping.
He has never been known to rock the casbas.

He has never lost a sock.

He can't speak French, in Russian…

He will never be tan.

He has a tailor made hospital gown, in case he ever needs to see a doctor.

His morning breath smells like fresh mint.
He never pays to much money for something, it's always him who rips them off.

He is the Least Interesting Man in the World.

"I don't always drink beer but when I do, wait... I don't drink beer. Stay hydrated my friends." - Eric Halverson

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